Saturday, September 24, 2011

Are husbands really assholes or do wives just think they are

Women - this is an important article for you.

There is a conversation that started with some guys in The Good Men Project—in person, by phone, via email—where men were asked to talk deeply and honestly about their marriage. What came out was startling: there is despair in the voices of married men. The refrain heard over and over is some variation of “I want to have a good marriage. I love my wife. But sometimes, all I feel is resentment—from my wife, toward my wife, toward the marriage. I believe my wife thinks I am an asshole, and she treats me as such.”

Read this Article:

Interesting and from my experience quite true!

Pornography Destroys Marriages

As a marriage counselor for 23 years I have watched marriages become more and more devastated by the impact of pornography. The information explosion from the internet has turned the use of pornography into an epidemic. Read the article at the link below. Do not be fooled into thinking that what your spouse does not know won't hurt your relationship!